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The Latest 50 Posts:
- A simple EhCache3 based EventLogger
- Security Flaw: Don’t use @Cacheable on Methods handling Access-Control
- Combine multiple metrics into a single Stat in Grafana
- Using Spring Boot Devtools with LiveReload
- Enable DB2 JDBC-Driver logging
- A Less Mixin for JSF 2 Resource Handling
- To remove or not to remove
- Timeout Configuration in HikariCP, DB2 and MySQL
- Compiling Twitter Bootstrap using Maven in Eclipse
- Repair Artifact Captions when downgrading a Visual Paradigm Project
- Instance Selection Algorithm: spymemcached vs. memcached-session-manager
- Logging Anti-Patterns, Part III
- How to not convert a Boolean to boolean
- Using a custom Checkstyle Ruleset on a Maven Multi Module Project
- Logging Anti-Patterns, Part II
- Logging Anti-Patterns, Part I
- Apology in JavaDoc
- Formatting XML with Notepad++
- Using Checkstyle’s suppression filters on Windows and Linux
- Clearing Checkstyle’s Cache in Eclipse
- UninstallWMISchemaExecute (0x8004401e) when updating VisualSVN on Windows XP
- Selenium 2 / WebDriver—is element present ?
- A quick refactoring using TestNG’s expectedExceptions
- Anti-Aging Architecture
- Fail instead of Skip a Test when TestNG’s DataProvider throws an Exception
- One of my favorite Eclipse-shortcuts
- Running TestNG-, JUnit3- and JUnit4-tests with Maven Surefire in one run
- Avoid creation of emailable-report.html when using Maven, Surefire and TestNG
- Using the same suppression filter for Checkstyle in Eclipse and Maven