Using Spring Boot Devtools with LiveReload

The (very) short introduction

Using the Spring Boot Devtools can help to increase your development speed. Simply put the corresponding Spring Boot Starter into your application’s dependency tree and voilà—restart, reload, development-optimised settings, … (obviously I’m still in the “wow-that-is-sooooo-amazing”-phase and haven’t had any issues with the devtools so far. Which explains my enthusiasm.).

Nonetheless, including the Spring Boot Devtools in your application will also start a LiveReload-Server:

The spring-boot-devtools module includes an embedded LiveReload server that can be used to trigger a browser refresh when a resource is changed. LiveReload browser extensions are freely available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari from

(Taken from

And that’s where the fun begins: most of the plugins are outdated; don’t connect to a LiveReload-Server, but rather simply refreshe the current tab in a given interval; or aren’t that popular (in downloads/likes/whatever) that I want them to be running in my browser.

But there is another solution: a little JavaScript (livereload-js) which could be included in your HTML. This little script connects to a LiveReload-Server and reloads the current page whenever the server tells it to.

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Instance Selection Algorithm: spymemcached vs. memcached-session-manager

I recently evaluated whether to use memcached-session-manager [1] for one of our webapps. Although memcached-session-manager bases on spymemcached [2] for communicating with memcached, I was surprised that it uses a significant different algorithm for selecting a memcached instance (out of a pool of given memcached instances) than the native implementation of spymemcached.


Spymemcached selects the instance by calculating a hash of the element’s key and using that hash to determine the instance. Simplified this could be done by compute:

server = serverlist[hash(key)%serverlist.length]

To distribute the elements uniformly on all nodes often Consistent Hashing [3], e.g. KETAMA, is used as hash function. See [4] for details.


In contrast to that, memcached-session-manager doesn’t use hashing at all – it simply “selects the memcached node randomly” [5] (excluding failover nodes). After that the node id is encoded in the session id like 72d9ffcb00d836b3248d8bd95ce2e641-n1.tomcat1 (“n1”). All further accesses are selected by this value.

How to not convert a Boolean to boolean

On my last code review session I stumbled over that lovely piece of code:

Boolean wrapper = foo();
boolean primitive = Boolean.parseBoolean(""+wrapper);

A somehow interesting way of converting a Boolean to it’s primitive.

I guess this was done to avoid a NullPointerException in case wrapper is null. But it violates one simple rule: write readable code.

Of course, this line isn’t hard to understand—but do you know for sure the outcome of the parseBoolean-method when the argument is null or an empty String? Is it ‘false’, ‘true’ or will the method throw an exception? To make it even worse: “”+wrapper will return the String “null” (yep – a String of length 4) when wrapper is null. Can parseBoolean handle this too?

So how to (really) avoid a NullPointer here? Simply use:

Boolean wrapper = foo();
boolean primitive = wrapper == null ? false : wrapper.booleanValue();

or (cooler but a little less readable):

Boolean wrapper = foo();
boolean primitive = wrapper != null && wrapper.booleanValue();

UninstallWMISchemaExecute (0x8004401e) when updating VisualSVN on Windows XP

The problem

On the attempt to update VisualSVN on my Windows XP I struggled with the following exception quite a long time:

Custom action UninstallWMISchemaExecute failed: Diese Datei ist keine gültige MOF-Datei. (0x8004401e)

Screenshot of UninstallWMISchemaExecute-Exception (0x8004401e) when updating VisualSVN on Windows XP

UninstallWMISchemaExecute when updating VisualSVN

I was never faced with WMI before so I started from scratch and choosed to try’n’error. A great help was the artikel found in [1] and after a while I succeeded—but: I still have no clue why my solution worked, nor could I assure that it is side-effect-free. So use on your own risk!

The solution

  1. Disable the WMI service
    sc config winmgmt start= disabled 
    (make sure there is a blank between 'start' and 'disabled')
  2. Stop the WMI service
    net stop winmgmt
  3. Go to %windir%/System32/wbem and rename the repository-folder
    cd C:\WINDOWS\System32\wbem
    rename Repository Repository-old
  4. Find the *.mof-file in %windir%/System32/wbem which belongs to VisualSVN
    In my case the file was named “6E9A2709F6EB23A5E2F059ACD767AD78.mof”. Inside there were multiple occurences of the string “VisualSVN”—which I found by using Notepad++’s search-in-files-funktionality [2]. Note that the Windows search won’t lead to any useable results since Windows doesn’t do a text-search on *.mof-files by default.
  5. Remove the file found in step 4
  6. Search the registry on occurences of “VisualSVN” and remove every found item
    I guess especially the key “Autorecover MOFs” in


    was an entry which recreated the faulty *.mof all over again.

  7. Enabled the WMI service
    sc config winmgmt start= auto
  8. Start the VisualSVN-Installation


  1. [1]
  2. [2]